Dortches Baptist Church supports the goals and mission of the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship (CBF) and the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship of North Carolina (CBFNC).
A portion of our churches missions giving supports the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship (CBF), a national missions sending organization. Below is the primary emphasis of this fellowship of believers:
- Global missions and ministries that focus primarily on partnerships with local congregations and other mission groups, planting the gospel among the world’s unevangelized peoples (ethno-linguistic people groups, comprising nearly one-fourth of the world’s population, who have little or no exposure to the Christian message), and ministries among the urban poor and other marginalized peoples in America’s inner cities.
- Advocacy of historic Baptist values such as local church autonomy, priesthood of all believers and religious liberty
- Partnerships with a dozen seminaries and theology schools and with other organizations that identify with the Fellowship’s mission and vision.
- Connecting churches and their leaders to resources that will help them fulfill the mission God has given them
Networking with other groups that share the Fellowship’s commitment to the Great Commission
For more information, please visit
Cooperative Baptist Fellowship of North Carolina
Each of the words in our name – Cooperative Baptist Fellowship of North Carolina – is important to our identity. But perhaps Fellowship holds the greatest insight into who we are as an organization.
- We are a fellowship of churches and individuals who voluntarily cooperate to do together what we could never accomplish alone, for the Kingdom of God.
- We bring together people of shared interests, activities, beliefs and experience.
- We provide companionship along our shared journey to be the presence of Christ in the world.
- We serve each other as equals.
Find out more information about CBFNC at